Sunday, August 5, 2007

Too Busy

A few weeks ago, my mom was watching the kids. They had been in to visit her at her office a few weeks earlier. She told the kids that her friends at work enjoyed meeting them and asked if they would like to come and visit again sometime. My four year-old Hank thought for a few moments, and then responded “well Nana I’m sorry, but we have a really busy summer planned. Maybe we can come see you sometime in the fall.”

I laughed at such a thoughtful response from a four year-old, but then I realized it was to some extent true. Which tells me that I need to slow down! Even though I try to limit our involvement in organized activities so they don’t feel overscheduled, they are picking up from me that we are always busy. I don’t remember the last time I woke up and didn’t have a ‘plan’ for how we were going to spend the day.

So, I am taking some time off this week and will reserve at least a few days to do nothing. When is the last time you had a day of “nothing”?

***Note: This post is part of the Blog Carnival hosted at the 4fabmoms blog, check out their blog here!***