Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summertime Work Blues

There is something about summer that just makes me not want to work. I have to really push myself to work on nice, sunny days. In fact, I usually cut back my work hours, taking my kids to the sitter’s only two days a week in the summer. I try to cut back my work obligations as much as possible and often do more work late at night.

I live in the Midwest, with its’ long, cold winters. I suppose this makes me treasure the nice days. I am curious if I would still have this problem if I lived in a warmer climate.

My kids aren’t in school yet, but I suspect that the trend of lazy summers will become even more important as they do move through their school years. I have a neighbor who works in the school system. She enjoyed her summers off while her daughters were in school. But, even now that her daughters are off to college, she still enjoys her summers off.

Thinking about my need to take it easy in the summer led me to think that a family friendly work arrangement could be one where you have seasonal variances in your work too. For example, my husband is an accountant and his busy season goes from January through April. Because the days are short, and there isn’t a lot to miss outdoors doing that period of time, he doesn’t really mind. He’d rather work 70+ hours each week during that time of the year, than work 50+ hours a week year round.

And today, I would rather play with the kids in the pool than sit in front of the computer any longer, so off I go!