Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer slipping by

I can't believe it's been almost two months since I have posted here. I am officially "off" work for the summer, but in reality, I am never off. I do have the kids home, which makes getting work done a challenge. I have been getting up early in the morning to work, I work when the kids play, and I work after they go to bed.

At times I think about how nice it would be to really take some time off. Other times, I wish I was just working regular hours so I wouldn't always feel so far behind. But, most of the time, I really do just enjoy myself. Yes I am up a little early, but I can spend the afternoon playing with the kids in the pool. And maybe I need to work after they are in bed, but if I wasn't working, many times I might just sit and watch TV.

What is most important to me is that I have chosen my work arrangement. When I hear from others who are frustrated with their work arrangement, what I hear most often is that they feel as though they have no other choice.

The summer is slipping by quickly, I will get back to my regular work schedule when it does. Until then, I plan to enjoy my choice.