Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Never-ending To-do List

Today I had a really fun day with the kids. We started the day with a trip to the Natural History Museum with a friend of the kids. My son has been asking to see 'dinosaur bones' for weeks, and he was just estastic to finally see them. After a few hours and lunch there, we came back home to meet up with Nana. We just went to dinner and the mall, but I let the kids do this big trampoline thing there and they just had a blast.

But then I came home to a dirty, messy house and a long to-do list of work and other things that I need to catch up on. In fact, it seems that my house is always a mess and I always have a long to-do list that I never seem to get through. It is frustrating as no matter how hard I work, I never feel caught up.

We already have hired some help, we have a cleaning service come every few weeks. But they can't clean the floor if they can't find it. And if it gets cleaned up today, within a few days it will just be cluttered again in a few days. I sometimes feel that it just never ends. I unload the dishwasher, only to be able to refill it within hours. Clean laundry piles up as I can't find the time to put it away.

Sometimes I think that if I didn't work, I would have lots more time to keep things up around here and I wouldn't feel so stressed all of the time. The problem is, I don't enjoy housework. In fact, I detest housework. If I wasn't working, I might have a cleaner house. I might not have to feel frustrated coming home to a mess every day. But, I would be bored and probably more frustrated because I would spend my time doing things that I don't like. I guess maybe the mess isn't quite so bad.