Monday, April 14, 2008

Love and Logic?

I have heard lots of good things from parents who have attended a "Love & Logic" parenting class. They claim to teach how to raise responsible kids, and the parents I know who have taken the class seem to agree.

One friend told me about how she used to be stressed every morning trying to get the kids on the bus on time. After taking the Love & Logic class, she abandoned her stress and gave her kids the responsibility. She wakes them up on time and tells them what time they need to be ready. But, if they miss the bus, they have to pay her for a ride to school from their own allowance money. The result? No more missing the bus, and no more stress for mom.

An article in my local paper today shared some insight of this strategy of "bucking the trend of helping kids do everything." (See article here from the Cleveland Plain Dealer).

The strategy seems like a win-win solution to today's parenting stresses. Kids win because they grow up to be responsible people. Parents win because they are able to have some sanity (and more time). I know, for example, that I spend too much time in the mornings helping my 3 year old get ready for the day. I know she is capable of dressing herself and getting her shoes/coat on to leave, but I tend to take the time to do it for her most days.

I've ordered the book giving out the Love & Logic parenting advice. Will let you know of any gems I find.