Monday, July 16, 2007

Dealing with Conflicts

Tonight I faced another potential work-life conflict, a work obligation at the same time as a family obligation. We had planned a small gathering for my daughter’s 3rd birthday, and then I received a call for an interview for a radio show at the same time.

I know some parents who tell me that they would never miss a family event for work. I also know some parents who wouldn’t give up a work opportunity such as this for any reason. I fall somewhere in the middle.

While I certainly wouldn’t miss my daughter’s birthday party, it really was a backyard gathering and she probably didn’t notice I wasn’t there for a bit. I was able to do the interview upstairs, tucked away in a bedroom. The radio interview was a great opportunity for me and it only took me away from the first half-hour or so of the party. I once again was able to do both without neglecting either.

I took the afternoon off and spent it getting ready for the birthday party, so it could get started easily without me. I then spent the interview completely focused on the interview, knowing that the brief time I was not there would not make a difference to her.

The general rule I follow is that I make my family a priority, without neglecting my work. While I respect parents that live by the rule to always put family first, I think that sometimes you can put work first without doing harm to your family. In fact, sometimes your family can benefit. If my book succeeds because of my efforts such as this interview, then my whole family is part of the success.

By the way, the interview was with Armin Brott who hosts Positive Parenting on KOIT- FM radio in San Francisco. He has a great show and you can find podcasts of previous shows on their website here. I think the interview went well, as did the birthday party.