Friday, December 21, 2007

Dads and Work

As I've said before, Dads' perhaps have a bit more of a challenge in blanancing work and family. It is at this point in time unusual for a Dad to request a flexible work schedule. Those that do may actually face career suicide. Dads are much more quickly stereotyped as uncommitted to their job if they want to spend time with their families.

But more are doing so. Last week a USA Today article (here) discussed the challenge that men face in the workplace if they want time with their families.

It is unfortunate that it might come to a male request for a company to provide flexibility. But in the end, everyone benefits if companies are willing to test out flexiblity based on a Dad's request. Once they see the productivity, retention and health benefits they get from offering the flexibilty, we will be closer to it becoming the norm.