Thursday, December 20, 2007

Another Holiday Party

Tonight we went to a Christmas party at the kids' school. This was in addition to the Christmas party they each had already in their individual classrooms. Last week we had a Holiday party with the pre-school PTA I belong to, as well as a Christmas party with the kids' playgroup. In addition to the kids' parties, we also have the work-related parties and of course the family parties. Each requires bringing some kind of food as well as a gift or two.

I'm not sure what my point is here. I guess it is just that for a supposedly joyful time of the year, we seem to do a lot of rushing around. Sometimes it seems like more stress than joy. We've tried cutting back and only attending those that we feel we need to attend, but that still keeps us busy. The kids always enjoy their parties, so we certainly wouldn't want to skip them. I also enjoy the opportunity to catch up with friends, as well as meet other parents. I can't say I'm crazy about the work-related parties, although they sometimes have good food and drink.

I do sometimes get so wrapped up in the hectic pace of the holidays, that I forget to enjoy them. But it is hard to when you need to bake cookies for the next party when you'd much rather be going to bed....