I recently learned of a new website for moms looking to return to work, or move to a more flexible work schedule. The site, http://www.myworkbutterfly.com/, will go live in January but they are looking for input from moms to customize the site content. You can pre-register for the site and take the survey at www.workbutterfly.com.
The site's mission is:
To help return-to-the-workforce moms and those seeking flexibility between family and self, find their ideal job, their paradise. This niche social networking site will connect savvy moms on this journey by sharing advice, support and ultimately, solutions.
To help return-to-the-workforce moms and those seeking flexibility between family and self, find their ideal job, their paradise. This niche social networking site will connect savvy moms on this journey by sharing advice, support and ultimately, solutions.
To preview the site, you can become a fan on http://www.facebook.com/ (search myworkbutterfly).