I would really like to just rest and enjoy Sunday evenings, but I feel the need to spend time this evening working around the house. The house, as usual, is a disaster. I've always prided myself on not caring about how my house looks. However, at some point the clutter and mess can just drive you crazy.
I don't enjoy housework, which certainly doesn't help. And my husband often doesn't seem to notice the mess. But our biggest challenge is time. It wouldn't be that difficult to get this house cleaned up quite a bit if we had lots of free time. For example, the kids are getting older and there are lots of toys they don't need anymore. We could also move their play area to our basement now that they can get up and down on their own, which would help keep our living area free of clutter. But doing so will require a few days of work to clean out the basement and sort through the toys. It just seems overwhelming.
There will obviously always only be 24 hours in a day. Therefore, if you are fighting for more time, you must either use your time more efficiently or more selectively. I think I am extremely efficient. In fact, other people pay me to share my time management wisdom! And I think I am pretty selective with how I use my time. I've spent a lot of time considering how I spend my time and have made deliberate decisions about it. I spend most of my time on the kids and work. After that, I try to get in a little social time. Ater that, there is not much time left for housework.
The solution? I wish I knew.......